Saturday, March 29, 2008

Writely so

I really think that Google Docs and other web-based apps are the perfect solution to overcome format issues. I think it's a really novel idea. Leave it to Google!

I'm working as a research assistant for a couple of professors in the Dept. of Political Science at school. We were trying to use this spreadsheet in Excel to enter some data, but the file was made with Excel 2007. All of the assistants, myself included, only had Excel 2003. So, of course, none of us could open the file. Needless to say, there was this whole hullabaloo over how to work around the formatting problem. If we used Google Docs, we could have avoided all that mess. THAT is innovation!

I used the Google Docs Slideshow program to create a slideshow with my favorites, some of the things that I listed in the last exercise on pbwiki. Enjoy!

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